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Saints Stranded

Stranded on an island and forced to pick three songs, a book, and a luxury item...what would you choose?

Though I’m a Desert Island Discs fanatic and have spent rather too many hours of my life in the company of Kirsty Young, I’m terribly indecisive and the prospect of being alone for more than five minutes terrifies me. However, with great perseverance I’ve made up my mind. Just please don’t hold me to my choices for more than 24 hours.

Up first is ‘If Not for You’ by George Harrison. Belonging to my favourite album, it would feel dishonest for me to have a shortlist where the best Beatle didn’t appear. Perhaps an illogical choice for a desert island given its dehydration-inducing quality as I can imagine myself shedding a liberal number of tears to this one on the island.

Next is my go-to when in dire need of some motivation, ‘Waterfall’ by The Stone Roses. There is no one quite like The Stone Roses to make you feel like a strong, independent woman. This album was a regular fixture of the drive to school and so will be a welcome reminder of home.

Some would deem this final track an odd choice given I’m not Irish by any means. I am, however, almost certain that if you asked my close friends what my favourite song of all time is, most would say ‘I’ll Tell Me Ma’ by Van Morrison and The Chieftains. It is my ultimate hype song and I physically can’t keep still when this is playing.

To the Lighthouse by Virginia Woolf is my book of choice. I find something new to love each time I pick this up so I’m sure it will stand the test of frequent re-reading. As Woolf was inspired by the view of Godrevy lighthouse from St Ives, it will also help transport me to Cornwall: the location of countless family holidays and a place I know I’d much rather be.

My luxury item is a complete no-brainer. A lifetime supply of Cadbury’s Marvellous Creations in a fridge, please. It will be difficult to lose hope when I’ve always got a square of this to look forward to.

Illustration by Ruby Pitman

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