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Your Horoscope - 28/10-11/11

Boo! It’s Scorpio season. The biggest bits of astrology happening over the next few weeks are the new moon in Scorpio on November fourth, and Venus entering Capricorn on the fifth. Remember to always read for your rising sign, which you can find by putting your birth date, time, and place into any online birth chart generator.

Aries (21 March–20 April) With the new moon entering your eighth house of sex, death, and transformation, expect to feel emotional as fuck. As Venus enters your tenth house of work, you will be bringing extra charm to your job or any public roles.

Taurus (21 April–21 May) As the new moon enters your seventh house of long term relationships, this is a great time to start a new partnership of any sort. With Venus in your ninth house of travel and adventure, you could embark on an exciting journey or simply meet someone who alters your usual perspective.

Gemini (22 May–21 June) We all know Geminis are chaotic messes, but with the new moon enter- ing your sixth house of daily routines, this would be a great time to get organised (good luck). As Venus enters your 8th house of sex, death, and transformation, expect to have some intense relationship experiences.

Cancer (22 June–22 July) As the new moon enters your fifth house of creative pursuits and pleasure, you could start a new art project or simply rethink your approach to having fun. With Venus in your seventh house of serious relationships, you might meet people that make good long-term business or romantic partners.

Leo (23 July–22 August) With the new moon in your fourth house of family and home, you could be turning over a new leaf with a relative or changing up your space. As Venus enters your sixth house of health and daily routines, you might find pleasure in structure and order, or simply take more enjoyment in your work.

Virgo (23 August–23 September)

With the new moon entering your third house of communications and local community, you could find yourself being very social or just generally busy. As Venus enters your 5th house of pleasure, prepare to get lit.

Libra (24 September–23 October) With the new moon occurring in your second house of material posses- sions and physical comfort, you could want to make an expensive purchase or simply rethink your approach to self-care. As Venus enters your fourth house, you could be wanting to spend more time at home or with your family.

Scorpio (24 October–23 November) As the new moon enters your first house of self, it’s time to let your inner Scorpio bitch out. With Venus in your third house of communications, prepare to be very social and sparking lots of new connections.

Sagittarius (24 November–21 December ) With the new moon occurring in your 12th house of the subconscious, you will be giving sad shy girl vibes. Pay attention to any messages received through dreams. As Venus enters your 2nd house of material possessions and physical comfort, you might be feeling more indulgent than usual.

Capricorn (22 December–20 January) As the new moon occurs in your 11th house of friends, you will be very social and perhaps experiencing new beginnings in group settings. With Venus entering in your 1st house of self, all eyes will be on you, you mountain goat.

Aquarius (21 January–19 February) The new moon occurring in your tenth house of work signifies important beginnings or change in any public facing roles. As Venus enters your 12th house of the subconscious, you may be feeling less social and wanting to spend more time alone with your thoughts.

Pisces (20 February–20 March) With the new moon occurring in your ninth house of travel, adventure, and philosophy, you may be embarking on an important journey of any sort. As Venus enters your 11th house of friends, you will be feeling very social and can look forward to making lots of new connections.

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