University of St Andrews Prepares to Host Alumni Weekend
The University of St Andrews will be hosting their Alumni Weekend this month from 15 to 17 April. The event will consist of opportunities for the Alumni to reconnect with former classmates, network, and allow current students to meet with attendees. The University is working toward getting alumni connected with one another, so make sure to email to do so.
Key events to look out for include the Alumni Dinner taking place on Friday in the Lower College Hall at St Salvator’s Quadrangle, and expected guests include Rector LeylaHussein. The opportunity to visit the Laidlaw Music Centre and Wardlaw Museum are also being advertised as must-attend events. Those who are unable to attend in person will be able to join some of the events online. These events include an Alumni Career Panel, a book launch, a per- formance from the Laidlaw Music Centre's McPherson Recital Room, and the University's Easter Service. A full list of the weekend’s occasions can be found on the University’s website under Alumni and Supporters.
Students may also participate in all events and should look for the Alumni Careers Panel on 15 April. Alumni Relations Manager, Elaine Cartwright commented on more ways for students to continue to get involved in this weekend by saying, “We encourage students via the Students’ Association and Athletic Union to put on events themselves to be promoted via the programme to former student sports club and former student society members. The Presidents are leading the Pier Walk on Sunday, 16 April, after the Chapel Service at 11am. The Surf Club and Sailing Club have events included in the programme, and there is also a Law Society Moot. The Alleycats are providing our after-dinner entertainment.”
As vaccines continue to allow more social freedoms, and the pandemic slows, the University looks forward to welcoming visitors and encourages participation amongst those students who are already in St Andrews.
“We will continue to encourage students – our future alumni – to be involved in the programme. Events like the Alumni Careers Panel event mean that alumni can give the students who came after them the benefit of their experience, while the student presence and their activities help alumni to relive their St Andrews experience when visiting their alma mater,” said Cartwright.
Image: Richard Law
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