Internship Experience
Summer is usually the time peo- ple start searching for, applying to and confirming their internships across the world. Internships are the traditional way of trying out a new ca- reer path to get real-life exposure into different fields. However, the spread of the coronavirus has disrupted not only global economies but also students and jobseekers who nowhave to look for different ways to get work experience in such trying times. Searching for and applying to intern- ships has become far more challenging during the coronavirus pandemic. An American worldwide employment website for job listings, Indeed, re- ported in mid-March that “clicks on internship opportunities were 21% lower than the same time last year.” As students and graduates navigate their summer break during the pan- demic, it is not surprising that interest in summer internships has decreased, and over the summer, I found my- self to be stuck in a similar position. There are not many companies that offer summer internships to first years, which only makes it harder to gain experience of working in pro- fessional environments. Upon ea- gerly looking for work opportunities that would give me a real-life sense of working in corporate finance and investment management, I came across Bright Network’s internship experiences. Bright Network is a UK-based network of graduates and students which holds employabil- ity workshops, networking events and internship experiences. Over the summer, I took part in two in- ternship experiences offered by Bright Network — Tax, Audit & Corporate Finance, and Investment Banking & Asset Management. The Investment Banking and Asset Management Internship Experience was in partnership with renowned investment banks and com- panies such as, J P Morgan Chase & Co., Goldman Sachs, Deutsche Bank and Macquarie. Meanwhile the Tax, Audit and Corporate Finance intern- ship experience was in partnership with EY, PwC, and Llyods Bank. Both the 3-day extensive virtual ex- periences were packed with a sched- ule consisting of deep-dive specialist sessions, networking opportunities and the chance to work on tasks pro- vided by EY, PwC, and Macquarie. Moreover, the networking sessions gave an insight into company culture and recruitment opportunities for people of color, LGBTQIA+ and peo- ple of determination. Field-specific sessions were conducted on topics such as — M&A, private equity, au- dit and financial markets. Moreover, there were also sessions on soft skills like negotiation, problem solving, teamworking, and communication. Besides getting the opportuni- ty to network with enthusiastic and like-minded individuals, these intern- ship experiences helped me develop my professional aptitude, accumulate technical knowledge, broaden my spectrum of opportunity when apply- ing for a job after university, and pro- vided for a holistic understanding of industrial interactions. Improving my industry network and learning more about areas of specialization was one of my summer goals as normal activ- ities like applying for summer intern- ships felt far more challenging during the pandemic. I would recommend taking part in remote internships and work experience opportunities as they give an enriching insight into potential career paths, and the chance to network with professionals to learn about their backgrounds and jour- neys of making into specific fields.
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